Christmas Food & Gifts Appeal

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To give our students who are facing financial hardship some extra help over the festive season, we are delighted to introduce the Christmas Food & Gifts Appeal, running from November 15 to December 10. During this time, we invite everyone - our staff, alumni, students, and the general public - to join us in spreading the spirit of giving. You can participate in two ways:

Option 1: Fill a Box

You can fill a box with non-perishable food items like canned soup, pasta, rice, and heartwarming gifts such as stationery and toiletries. Please make sure that all donated items are new and sealed for hygiene reasons. Consider including items like toys and festive treats, especially if our beneficiaries include mature students with young families. There are collection sites on both Canterbury and Medway campuses. In Canterbury, you can drop off your boxes at Nexus in the Templeman Library or in the Gulbenkian, and in Medway, visit The Hub. Look for the Christmas tree marking each collection site, where you can leave your box, fill in the gift checklist, and add a special message to the gift tag.

Option 2: Donate £15, and We'll Fill a Box for You!

If you'd like to support the Christmas Food & Gifts Appeal but are unable to bring a physical box to our collection sites, we offer a convenient way for you to participate. Simply make a £15 donation, and we will take care of the rest. We will prepare a box on your behalf, which includes a hand-written message in the gift tag. If you wish, we can also provide you with a photograph of your box. For more information on this option, please reach out to our Regular Giving Officer, Eva Chow, at

By participating in the Christmas Food & Gifts Appeal, you'll be making a real difference in the lives of our students who need it most, and together, we can make their Christmas shine with the warmth of your generosity.

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1 year, 1 month ago
An anonymous user donated £5.00
1 year, 2 months ago
An anonymous user donated £10.00
1 year, 2 months ago
An anonymous user donated £5.00
1 year, 2 months ago
Catherine Benbough donated
1 year, 2 months ago
An anonymous user donated £15.00
1 year, 2 months ago
An anonymous user donated £30.00